Monday, May 2, 2011


Well, its finally time.

I have been given all the OK's to finally let you all in on our ginormo secret!

Well, maybe it isn't really ginormo to all of you, but its been no easy task to walk around with this life-changing information about our little family and not tell ALL OF YOU! You all have so faithfully prayed, encouraged, and interceded on our behalf, and part of me feels like you all walked this road with us! You were there when we moved. You were there at the low points. You were there at the high points. And you were there everywhere between. Seriously, you guys rocks.

And now, I finally have news to share! I've wanted to shout from the rooftops, call up all my girlfriends, and share it with complete strangers walking down the street.

At this time, you may want to pause and make a mental note to never tell me a secret. Clearly I have issues.

But silence is no longer in the way! We are finally ready to share the place God has so perfectly been preparing for us. I never would have imagined that it would take us so long to find, but after getting to know the pastor and his family, chatting with the youth and their parents, and meeting the church congregation, we've decided it was well worth the wait.

Now, are all of you ready yet?

Keep with my style, I can't just spell it out for you. Good grief, I kept this secret for almost a month. I deserve to keep you in suspense for at least a few more minutes.

So here is a little bit about out future home. See if you can guess along the way...

The skyline. Isn't she a beaut? Quite a distance away from our humble abode.

These are EVERYWHERE. Maybe because they originated in this very city? Good thing it happens to be our favorite eatery.

We had the fine privilege of walking around the coolest outdoor mall in the history of outdoor malls. I mean it has a Nike store AND H&M? What more could my little family ask for?

Ben is already requesting Beau Jo's pizza for his birthday dinner.

Driving down the highway, snapped this picture. No big deal.

Still not sure? Well, my darling girls will make it all to clear.

WOOOHOOO! This family is on the move!


Mommypotamus said...

YAY!!! So happy for you guys! We visited you in OK, so you'd better let us come see you in CO!

Lesley said...

Congrats!!! Oh this post made me homesick---I went to college in Denver...dined in many a chipotles, spent many a birthdays at Beau Jo's and helped open a retail store on the mall this city!! So excited for you guys and love seeing how God is blessing you guys for your faithfulness. What a testament!!
What church are you going to??

Timilyn said...

YEAH!!! So exciting! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Loved us some Beau Jos when we were there in July! Hey, send me your email so I can send you that journey group pic. Mine is (firstname).Thompson@(ouroldchurch).tv

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