Friday, April 17, 2009

oh, those silly husbands....

Husbands - can't live with them; can't live without them.

Ok, so I definitely couldn't live without mine, but he sure does do some funny stuff sometimes.

Case in point.....

Today, after a wonderful time at MOPS, I came home to find my darling husband and two precious girls. Ellie Kate was still in her pjs, but I was pleasantly surprised to see Peyton was dressed....and then she turned around and I caught a glimpse of this...

Now I know my baby has some rolls...ahem, I mean some love bumps, and I know the weather is warming up, but don't be fooled - those aren't capris and I don't typically leave Peyton's chubbiness out for display.
Nope, my husband (the one hiding behind) dressed my almost 9 month old child in newborn clothes. Yeah, that's what I said.
Silly boy.
On another note - look what I found when I went to get my once itty bitty baby out of her crib this morning.

She can't possible be old enough to be doing this.

Or this....
Stop talking back to your mama!
Where did I get two such vivacious children...oh yeah, from their daddy.


neal said...

The pic of Pey Pey standing in the crib looks like Addison. That is freaky!

The Merrell's said...

thats hilarious, Johnny loves to dress the girls but he doesn't look at the sizes either...and peyton is getting so big, I can't believe how fast time flies!!!

Memaw and Poppy said...

I can still the remember the day I found you (Meredith) standing in your wasn't long till you were trying to climb out. I sure miss my grandbabies (big sigh!)

Beth said...

That is so something that Nate would do. Today, Nath got the kids dressed, and after we left the house, I looked at Brianna, and realized that she was wearing Nate's jeans. Other than being a little short, and showing the top of her little hiney, they fit pretty well. MEN!!!

Reese Family said...

Ha! So funny! So typical! Love it.

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